"It's so incredibly hot outside!"
" I'm drenched in sweat every time I step out of the house!"
"Ugh, this scorching heat is unbearable!"
Do these statements sound all too familiar to you? If there is one thing we have in common with other Southeast Asian countries; it's the relentless heat we experience throughout the year, especially during this current heatwave season.
Being a subtropical country, Malaysia is no stranger to hot and humid weather. According to the Malaysian Meteorological Department (MetMalaysia), we are in for intense weather conditions until at least late July. While we may have grown accustomed to the heat, it's important to understand the potential dangers that come with heatwaves, such as heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Let's make sure we take essential steps to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. Heatwaves should never be underestimated, as they can have serious consequences.
So, let's take a moment to explore heat exhaustion and heat stroke, both of which arise from extreme heat conditions but vary in severity. Let's dive in and learn more:
Heat exhaustion |
Heat stroke |
Definition |
Sign and |
What to do |
Heat stroke is more likely to happen in extreme heat conditions. However, it is not limited to only when we are exposed to it for a prolonged period. Heat stroke may also affect us if we engage in any strenuous activities such as working under the sun (construction workers), exercising (students/athletes) or even by walking down the streets without any umbrella/hat as shade.
Hence, it is vital to hydrate yourselves sufficiently throughout the day when you are expected to be out and about in this scorching weather. Do not forget to apply sunscreen for the extra protection against the sun’s rays. Additionally, it is also advised that you wear loose, bright color clothes as they reflect more heat, keeping our body temperature low and reducing the risk of overheating. As for loose-fitting fabrics- they promote better airflow and heat dissipation, further enhancing comfort in these hot weather conditions.
In a nutshell, heat exhaustion is a milder condition that happens when we get dehydrated and overheated, while heat stroke is a much more serious and even life-threatening situation where our body temperature shoots up dangerously high. It is really important to be aware of the symptoms and seek medical help for both, with extra caution that heat stroke requires immediate emergency care. Stay safe in the heat!
This article is written by Janelle Leong, Bpharm(Hons) (DOC2US),
reviewed by Dr Ashwini Nair, MB BCh BAO (DOC2US)
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