30% of men in their 50s will experience male menopause, also known as andropause caused by a decrease in the male hormone, testosterone. Male characteristics including deep voices, muscle mass, distinctive face and body hair patterns are all attributed to the hormone testosterone. However, the amount of testosterone in the body and production of sperm may steadily decrease as men age, with an estimated 2% decline in testosterone every decade after male reach the age of 30.
If left untreated, a person going through andropause may experience a variety of symptoms such as low sex drive, difficulties getting erections or erections that are not strong as usual and other physical and emotional symptoms. Other common symptoms are:
Low energy
Depression or sadness
Loss of muscle mass and strength
Increased body fat such as developing large belly or “man boobs”
Difficulty sleeping or increased tiredness
Lack of focus and short-term memory
It’s critical to identify the underlying cause and determine what can be done to treat the issue as these symptoms might interfere with daily functioning and happiness. Moreover, there is an increased risk of development of significant health issues including cardiovascular problems and osteoporosis (brittle bones).
Many of these symptoms are frequently caused by lifestyle factors or psychological problems. For instance, erectile dysfunction, loss of libido and mood swings can be due to stress, depression, or anxiety. Physical causes such as changes in blood vessels and psychological troubles can cause erectile dysfunction.
Other factors of “male menopause” also include:
Inadequate diet
Sleep deprivation
Lack of exercise
Overindulging in alcohol
Low self-esteem
Medical conditions such as late-onset hypogonadism, where the testes do not or barely make any hormones can also cause symptoms of “male menopause. In most cases, a diagnosis of late-onset hypogonadism may be made based on your symptoms and the results of a blood test used to measure testosterone level.
Consult your doctor if you have any of these symptoms. To determine whether a mental health condition, such as stress or worry, may be causing your symptoms, they will inquire about your job and personal life.
You may benefit from medication or talking treatment, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, if stress or anxiety are harming you (CBT). Lifestyle changes including more exercise, less stress, get enough sleep and a healthy diet are also beneficial.
The most popular form of treatment for males going through andropause is replacing testosterone in the blood (testosterone replacement therapy). A blood test to determine your testosterone levels may first be done by your doctor to determine the need for testosterone treatment as this treatment does have risks. You can be sent to an endocrinologist if the test findings indicate you have a testosterone shortage. If the doctor makes this diagnosis, you can be given the option of taking testosterone replacement therapy to treat the hormone shortage, which helps relieve your symptoms and improve quality of life.
Written by Rosamund, Bpharm(Hons)
Reviewed by Dr. Ahmad Haniffan, MB BCh BAO
The 'male menopause'. NPS. Available from,mood%20swings%20and%20irritability
What Is Male Menopause? Healthline. Available from
Andropause. Med Broadcast. Available from,as%20osteoporosis%20without%20proper%20treatment.
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